Macro Tracker Tool | Macro Tally Charts

Count Macro Points with my fitness-engineered macro tracker

Looking for answers on how much protein, fat, carbs, and calories you need to do to lose weight or build muscle? Look no further. The macro tracker tool is automated to count your macro points every day and help you stay on track, or you can manually use a tally chart By filling out a survey, I can tell you:

  • How many macro “points” you need per day AND per meal for Proteins, Carbs, and Fats to reach your goal
  • If you get all of your points for the day, that means you hit your calorie goal… without even counting calories!
  • A comprehensive food chart listing 50+ plant-based foods or a customized list of foods upon request
  • Instructions on how to track points for each meal and each day using a very simple Tally Chart!
  • You may never have to use another fitness tracker again! This is nutrition made easy.
  • Every 4 weeks, receive updated macro goals upon filling out a new survey
Instead of counting calories, track your macros!

Use the Macro Tracker to Build a Meal Plan or to replace your Food Tracker

That’s right!  You can pick foods that fit your macros and build a basic meal plan for yourself. Just tally up points in advance to match your goals with a variety of the foods on the list.  You could also use the macro tracker to simply track your food throughout the day or at the end of each day to make sure you are reaching your macro goals.  Keep track of your scores throughout the month(s) to see how you improve over time. Nutrition takes effort, and time, and cannot be learned overnight. I recommend that you use this macro tracker as part of a comprehensive Nutrition Coaching plan.   Stay accountable to tracking and receive extra guidance by hiring me to coach you.


If you want to have me personally build a plan for you with the macro tally chart, I would create a customized menu with the food list you choose. I would focus on hitting your target macro goal and provide a 14-day plan to follow. Each 7-day menu would include 12 recipes, so in total you would get 24 meal ideas with the customized menu I provide.  If you want more than one customized menus, I recommend that we upgrade your macro tracker to include 50 unique foods for each 14-day menu. Contact me for a quote if you are looking for a menu that lasts longer than 2 weeks. I look forward to helping you!

Your metabolism can change every time you gain or lose 5-10 pounds and/or every time you modify your diet or exercise program. This is why adjusting your macro goals every 4-6 weeks. Keep in mind each customized menu is only 2 weeks long so be sure to select a package that allows you to keep update to date with your macro goals.  I can provide instructions to analyze your body fat and circumference measurements in order to set appropriate goals for your size. The analysis service is free and highly recommended with the purchase of this macro tracker.