Testimonials from Corrective Exercise clients
Take a look at what Corrective Stretching and Strengthening can do for you:

“I couldn’t recommend Kelly enough for any level of 1-1 or group sessions She helped me correct my posture over the course of a few months. She gave me pre-workout stretches that I could do on my own with customized stretching plans and we did resistance training in my weak areas, which eventually helped straighten out my neck and feet. I was also able to lose 22lbs and 19 inches with 4.5% total body fat during my 9 months total time with her. She’s very easy to work with and after a few sessions you know that she has your best fitness interests at heart. With a wide variety of workout tools at her disposal including her life experience I felt very comfortable and confident of her capabilities during my time with her. Again, can’t recommend Kelly enough!!!”
-Shawn W., Tempe AZ Male Personal Training Client. Corrective stretching for Upper Crossed Syndrome and Feet Turning Out; Corrected Movement Impairment for Head Protruding (Forward Head), and Feet Turning Out. Shawn completed Group Personal Training for 9 months & 2 months of customized stretching plans.

“Kelly is a wonderful trainer and extremely helpful and pleasant. Although my main goal for training is not weight loss, I was pleased that, within three months of training with her and following her advice on nutrition, I was able to lose about four pounds. I have been seeing Kelly for about ten months now, and I would highly recommend her. She is very professional, friendly, knowledgeable and pleasant. Also, she is very willing to accommodate one’s physical limitations. I have necrosis of the hips and a tear in my gluteus minimum tendon, and Kelly is very thoughtful in designing exercises that will not cause pain due to those limitations. Her cancellation policies are very reasonable as well. For the cost of her services, which varies with the plan the client chooses, she provides extremely great value! The cost of Kelly’s services varies with the plan one chooses (small group, once a week, twice a week etc.). Nutritional coaching can be purchased for an additional fee. The cost is not excessive, however, especially considering the beneficial services Kelly provides.
On the first visit, Kelly provided a very thorough evaluation regarding my overall fitness and nutritional goals and explained her services and various fitness plans and payment options very thoroughly. Then, when I came for my first training session, Kelly conducted a very detailed baseline assessment of my weight, other physical data, and my physical capabilities. From that information (which she sent me also), she designed a fitness plan. Included are all the standard areas one would expect with a trainer– strength, resistance, cardiovascular, and stretching exercises. I see her twice a week and with each visit she provides a varied number of exercises (and nutritional tips) as I work out. Kelly is a vegan, so she is especially helpful on making tips about adopting a vegan diet, but she in no way is judgmental or pushy in her approach. There is always variety in the types of exercises that I do with her. She also sent me a file with photos of various corrective-stretching exercises that I could do at home in order to help with specific issues I was having. In addition, Kelly sends out a reminder once a week regarding entering and sending her data from my daily food logs. Moreover, once a month she does a fitness evaluation and measures and weighs me, which she also sends me in a PDF file. All in all, Kelly is an excellent trainer!”
-Johnnie M., Female Personal Training client. Completed corrective exercise for the movement impairments of upper back rounding, shoulders retracting, limited range of motion of the rotator cuff, and asymmetric weight shift. Johnnie completed 3 months of corrective exercise followed by 15mo of Personal Training.

“I’m very happy with choosing Kelly Athletics because I truly believe I have received the best personal training service. My biggest fear before starting personal training was that I would have a trainer that would be intimidating and inconsiderate. Kelly is the exact opposite. To say that she is passionate about what she does would be an understatement. Kelly constantly finds ways to work with her clients by allowing same day rescheduling to ensure working out as a priority, giving free nutrition advice, and keeping clients accountable with daily food logs. In my personal experience I had foot pain while working out, but with the guidance of Kelly I was able to help my plantar fasciitis pain with shoes she recommended. I also had issues with my squat form but within just three weeks, I improved my form with corrective strengthening Kelly provided through a pre-workout stretching booklet she made herself. I’m proud to say that in the six months I have trained with Kelly I have nearly doubled my strength all around, lost 4% body fat, lost six inches, and maintained my healthy weight over this period. My contract is sadly coming to an end but I plan to renew because training with Kelly is just that awesome! I love her encouragement and abundant knowledge of how to live a healthier life. If anyone is considering personal training, Kelly Athletics is definitely the way to go!”
-Jaden H. completed 3 weeks of stretching to straighten her feet. She did Corrective Strengthening and Corrective Stretching for the Common Movement Impairment of feet turning out.

Lyn N., Personal Training client
“Kelly is an amazing trainer. All you have to show up for training sessions. Kelly will plan the workout out in advance. Each session is different and strategically planned out for the best results. I like knowing that all I have to do is show up and I will get results. I was in a small group and she made it so fun. I like how she personalizes the workouts. I have been through several injuries. Kelly created challenging workouts for me to complete even with my foot in a boot. Kelly is incredible; she loves what she does and is never tired of helping you strive to be your best!”
-Lyn N., Custom Fitness Training and Corrective Stretching to Reduce risk of Re-Injury, Oct 2014-Jan 2017
Kelly Gibson is a Female Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist who works to reduce injury risk. Safety first!