The Ultimate Ab Workout for Women
#AbWorkouts for Women who want to #LoseWeight! Learn #topsecret tips for #FatLoss!
Here are the Questions I answer in the The Active Times ab workouts for women article:
1. Is it more difficult for women to eventually get a 6-pack? How so and do you have any secrets to share?
2. What is the biggest difference between men and women when it comes to ab muscles? (Is it that women have more fat?)
3. Realistically speaking, how fast can an average women – someone with a 9-5 job who works out 3-4 times a week – can expect to see a 6-pack?
4. I read about a Pilates trick of pulling the belly button in ensuring that you're working the deepest ab muscle. Is that really a thing?
5. Do you recommend exercises that hit the entire core or just the ab muscles?
6. How often should women work out the midsection in order to get fit and avoid injuries?
7. What’s your favorite, or most effective exercise, in your opinion for the abs?
8. Can you describe a few abs exercises you often have clients do? And why those?
9. What are the best, and/or hardest exercises specifically targeting the upper abs, obliques, and lower abs?
10. What other exercises or diet changes should women combine an ab workout for quicker results?
11. Do you recommend crunches and situps? Why or why not?
If you want to hear my professional opinion on these topics and get answers to any of the questions, then definitely check out the article below and be sure to check out the awesome slideshow!

Written by Kelly Gibson, Online Personal Trainer | NASM Certified, 5 years of experience | Sign up Here