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Best Oil for Dry Skin


If you have atopic dermatitis, dry skin, or skin trauma you may want to switch to this topical oil.

Many people rely on chemical-laden lotions and medicated ointments to treat their skin problems. While these strong chemicals can work at healing the skin quickly, it can strip your skin of its natural oils. Losing natural oils and peeling away the top layer of skin can expose you to more outside irritants. This can be problematic leading to chronic inflammation or higher risk of disease.  Surprisingly, coconut oil is not the best oil for our skin (but it does come close).

And the Winner is... Sesame Oil!

Here are the top 5 health benefits of using Sesame Oil on your skin:

Fights Germs

Sesame oil acts like an antimicrobial.

Lowers Disease Risk

Its lignans are high in antioxidants.

Heals Wounds

Those with trauma experience less pain.

Protects Against UV

Protect yourself from UV ray exposure.


Protects against skin cancer with sesamol.

It is not only delicious in salad and stir fry, but sesame is the best oil for skin! Using it can help protect you from airborne irritants, in addition to being a great moisturizer.  Essential oils and dry flowers can even be added to your carrier sesame oil. I personally love the smell and effects of calendula flowers and lavender essential oils because they both aid in healing dry, cracked skin. You can infuse the flowers into the oil then add drops of lavender.

Sesame oil contains linoleic acid which has antimicrobial properties to fight germs. Lignans are a key component of sesame oil, which houses antioxidants that absorb easily into the skin. Sesame oil beats out other plant oils because it’s shown to have wound healing, anti-aging, and chemo preventive properties as well. View the reference link to compare numerous plant oils, then you’ll see why sesame is the best oil for skin. Reference:

Sesame Carrier Oil

Start with the best topical carrier oil.

Calendula Flowers

Infuse flowers in the oil.

Lavender Essential Oil

Add this healing essential oil.

Hi, I’m Kelly Gibson. I am a Holistic Nutritionist with a focus in natural remedies for health issues, like skin rashes!  I specialize in plant-based nutrition for weight loss and wellness.  If you’re looking for a vegan nutritionist who can educate you on skin health or plant-based diets, request a consultation today!  I work with customers as an online nutritionist. I also travel local to Tempe Arizona, Chandler Arizona, Scottsdale Arizona, Phoenix Arizona, Ahwatukee Arizona, Gilbert Arizona and Mesa Arizona. As an in-home nutritionist and personal trainer, I bring the nutrition and wellness to YOU! Get started here.

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Health Benefits of Elderberry


What are Black Elderberries good for anyway?

Elderberries are very versatile in nature and perform multiple functions in the body. They activate the immune system to fight infection at the onset of illness. The fruit can be taken in frequent high doses for a few days when coming down with a cold or flu. When trying to reduce the risk of catching an illness, it can be taken infrequently. Also, elderberries directly kill bacteria, viruses, and/or fungi. It goes great in combination with licorice root to soothe and heal a sore throat/cough. It also blends perfectly with elder flower (the other medicinal part of the Elder plant) to help break a fever or fight off allergens. There are numerous benefits of Elderberry but herbs are more effective when taken in combination with synergistic herbs.

I encourage you to learn more about herbal medicine (or herbalism) to uncover not only the benefits of elderberry but the benefits of all kinds of herbs and superfoods.  To be and stay healthy takes commitment to stick to a healthy on diet and supplement plan, among other lifestyle factors. I am a Holistic Nutritionist who can guide you on a path to better health and longevity. It is my pleasure to introduce you to more immune-boosting tips with my "Fight Infections Naturally" nutrition lesson.  Get started with a holistic nutrition evaluation here.

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Green Tea for Cancer? See What Nutritional Science Says…


Green Tea for Cancer? See what Nutritional Science says…

The leading cause of death in America is heart disease, followed by cancer. Cancer affects roughly 1 in 3 Americans in their lifetime. Chances have it, you or someone you know has suffered or is suffering from this horrible disease. It is terrifying for those to have to go through treatment or see their family go through it. While diet and tea is not an alternative to cancer treatment, there are many natural ways to reduce cancer risk and fight off cancer cells through nutrition! Cancer cells silence tumor-suppressing genes, which can effect someone with good genetics. Green tea has been shown to reactivate these genes by simply being dripped on certain cancer cells (1). Over 1.7 MILLION Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year, and more than a third of those people are expected to die from cancer (2). Every opportunity you get to prevent cancer is another chance to extend your life. It’s amazing that something as simple as a tea plant may have the power to suppress cancer.

Three Ways to Enjoy Green Tea:

Matcha Green Tea
The Whole Food Version of Green Tea

Green Tea:
The Extracts of Green Tea Leaves

Green Tea Capsules:
Take a green tea pill with water and breakfast

Other Green Tea Benefits

Not only can you use green tea topically for benefits, but many studies show benefits on oral consumption of green tea as well!  While water is very important for hydration and my top choice, the next best drink out there is green tea! Why? Because it contains powerful antioxidants that have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, the second leading cause of death in America (3). Green tea also activates the “alpha” brain waves which triggers the relaxation feeling people get from meditating (4). With all the stress we have to deal with on a daily basis, this is a great way to wind down – especially if you are dealing with the stress of cancer!

There are known side effects to green tea, since it contains caffeine. Ease into it with half a cup or one cup then gradually build up to more cups per day to avoid getting dehydrated or headaches. Try all the little things, and incorporate green tea into your daily routine! Regular intake of green tea can slow cancer growth, and the more cups of tea per day is associated with delayed onset of cancer (by up to 7 years for women and up to 3 years for men) in patients who do have cancer (5).

Following a plant-based diet for weight loss can be enhanced with a daily dose or two of green tea. Stay healthy and fit too with these green tea benefits.


  1. Greger, Dr. Michael. “How Not to Die.” p10 of Introduction. Copyright 2015. e-ISBN 9781250066121.
  2.  National Cancer Institute. “Cancer Statistics.” Updated April 27, 2018. Accessed 8/27/18.
  3. “Consumption of green tea causes rapid increase in plasma antioxidant power in humans.” I. F. Benzie, Y. T. Szeto, J. J. Strain, B. Tomlinson. Nutr Cancer. 1999; 34(1): 83-87. doi: 10.1207/S15327914NC340112.  Accessed 8/27/18.
  4. Effects of green and black tea consumption on brain wave activities in healthy volunteers as measured by a simplified Electroencephalogram (EEG): A feasibility study. Edward J. Okello, Awatf M. Abadi, Saad A. Abadi. Nutr Neurosci. 2016 Jun; 19(5): 196–205. Published online 2015 Feb 25. doi: 10.1179/1476830515Y.0000000008.   Accessed 8/27/18.
  5. Greger, Dr Michael. “Can Green Tea Help Prevent Cancer?” volume 35. Published March 3rd, 2017. Accessed 8/22/18.

Kelly Athletics | Author: Kelly Gibson | Holistic Nutritionist | Holistic Nutrition and Fitness | Herbal Remedies | Nutritionist Chandler AZ | Nutritionist Tempe AZ | Nutritionist Phoenix AZ | Nutritionist Arizona | Vegan Nutritionist | Plant Based Nutritionist | Plant-Based Nutritionist | Vegan Supplements | Plant-Based Supplements | Green Tea Supplements | High-Quality Green Tea | Natural Remedies

*Disclaimer: This blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Please see a physician or health practitioner prior to making any changes to your diet, medication, or treatment plan. View our Terms.

Green Tea for Cancer | Kelly Gibson | Holistic Nutritionist | Nutritionist Chandler AZ | Holistic Nutritionist in Chandler