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The Vitamin D Deficiency Problem

The Vitamin D Deficiency Problem

Video Transcript:  Do you take a multivitamin to ensure that you cover your bases? Or maybe your doctor already diagnosed you with a Vitamin D deficiency and put you on a high dose? 

You’re not alone. The Vitamin D Deficiency Problem affects up to 75% of the population in the U.S. There are 3 main reasons why it’s so common today – 1. the overuse of sunscreen, people treat the sun like it’s full of germs and they’re afraid to get sunlight for a few minutes they’ll catch cancer. It’s beneficial to use sunscreen for longer duration of sunlight, but it’s ok to use spf 8 on occasion to get more vit d. 2. the American lifestyle of having desk jobs, playing on our computers or smartphones all day and spending less time outdoors, and 3. Eating a diet high in processed foods or fast foods. Does this sound familiar? Well If you suffer from any of the following symptoms – keep watching:

  • Weight Gain or Inability to Lose Weight
  • Severe asthma
  • Depression or gloomy moods
  • Weak, Brittle Bones or Bone Pain
  • Cognitive issues or poor mental function
  • Skin rashes like Psoriasis or Dermatitis

If you suffer from any of these symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency the first thing I’d recommend is getting sunshine 15 minutes a day 3 times a week – minimum. An easy way to do this is to do a cardio warmup and stretch outside for your workout. Your body produces vitamin D through skin exposure to UV rays  – so you have to be in direct sunlight (not through a window or in the shade) to boost your D levels. Your improved vitamin D levels can help release norepinephrine and dopamine (similar to an anti-depressant), AND you’ll release endorphins from the exercise which also improves your mood. Win-win.   If you live in a climate where that’s just not possible, then try to get your vit D from whole food sources of fat such as nuts, seeds, and oils.  The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for the average adult is 600IU (international units) or higher.

The benefits of having healthy levels of Vitamin D is:

  • Lower risk of getting type II diabetes
  • Weight Loss or lower body fat
  • Helps with the absorption of calcium into your bones which is why you’ll notice that calcium supplements also contain vitamin D

Before you start going overboard with getting rays of sun every day let me just warn you that there are some side effects from having an overdose of Vitamin D: Here’s what to watch out for:

  •  Increased risk of skin cancer or sunburn by getting too much sun
  • Obtaining more than 4000IU per day can be a health risk, increasing your blood calcium levels which can lead to kidney stones.
  • Foods fortified with Vit D  – typically means the natural source of Vit D has been stripped from the food in processing and they needed to reapply the vitamin to the food to make you think its healthy and compete for your business.

Remember – spend about 15 minutes a day 3 days a week to get sufficient vitamin D levels, avoid fortified foods, only supplement if you are allergic to the sun or suffer from a severe Vitamin D deficiency, and make sure you don’t overdo it. Too much of anything can be bad!

Want to learn more about where to get vitamins in food? Try Nutrition Coaching or Contact Me for More Info:

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    Video by Kelly Gibson on July 30, 2014

    Vegan Nutrition Coach | Plant Based Nutrtition | Vegan Personal Trainer for Women

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    Homemade Almond Milk and Almond Crackers


    Finally, A Two-In-One Recipe for Homemade Almond Milk with no wasted leftovers! No second guessing.

    Homemade Almond Milk Ingredients:

    • 1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 8 hours
    • 3 1/2 cups water, filtered
    • 4 raw dates, pitted
    • 1/2 tsp almond extract + 1/2 tsp cinnamon
    • 1 pinch of salt
    ninja and nut bag
    You’ll need a nut bag and food processor, something like this.

    Instructions: After preparing the above ingredients, all you need to do is mix the ingredients on high-speed for at least 1 minute in a food processor until smoothe. (Then, convert to a blender if you want to extract more homemade almond milk.) Use a nut bag to strain your homemade almond milk mixture into a medium sized bowl, as pictured below.

    homemade almond milk
    Homemade Almond Milk, strained into a bowl. It smells and tastes wonderful!


    Squeeze any remaining liquid from the nut bag until most of the milk is strained into the bowl.  Pour milk from the bowl, into a sealed tight bottle (like below) and store in the refrigerater for up to 5 days.

    homemade almond milk bottle
    Here is what this mixture looks like in a gallon jug. All you need is a a 32oz bottle! If you want more homemade almond milk, double or triple this recipe.

    Once you store your homemade almond milk in the fridge, immediately move onto the following recipe.

    Use your Remaining Almond Meal for these Delicious Crackers!

    almond meal crackers
    The most delicious cracker recipe in the entire southwest ;)

    Sweet and Salty Almond Cracker Recipe:

    • Leftover Almond Meal from the above Homemade Almond Milk recipe
    • 1-1/2 T Sesame Oil
    • 1 tsp basil (for basil lovers like myself ;) )
    • 1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning
    • 1/2 tsp sage
    • 1/4 tsp thyme

    Instructions: It doesn’t get any easier than this!  Preheat your oven the 375, then mix all of the ingredients together with a spatula. Place parchment paper onto a baking sheet, and use the spatula to flatten out your cracker mix into a 1/4″ thick paste across the sheet (careful to keep the corners and edges 1/4″ thick as well). Form the paste into a nicely shaped rectangle.   Once you complete this, carefully use a sharp knife to press down into the paste to create square crackers!  (If you slide the knife too quickly, the almond meal may crumble!) Now they are ready to be baked for 8-10 minutes.  Keep an eye on it to make sure to pull out the dough once the edges start to brown.

    homemade almond meal crackers
    sweet and salty almond meal, sliced into square crackers onto a baking sheet

    There you have it! A homemade almond milk recipe with no leftover waste! Complete with sweet and salty almond crackers for the win! And trust me they’re so good you won’t want to leave any behind ;)

    almond meal crackers
    After your first bite, you will be thinking about your next batch!
    almond meal cracker crumbs
    The Crumbs are All that is Leftover From this Recipe!

    There’s no better way to make Homemade Almond Milk and Almond Meal Crackers :)

    Created by Kelly Gibson from Kelly Athletics LLC.

    Contact Me for More Dairy-Free Recipes or Info about Plant-Based Nutrition Coaching:

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      Kelly is a Vegan Personal Trainer and Plant-Based Nutrition Coach, with over 4 years of experience creating plant-based recipes.

      These recipes are inspired by:

        1. YumUniverse
        2. OhSheGlows