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Vegan Daycares and Schools Going Vegan

Schools Going Vegan across the U.S.

Vegetarian diets have been considered healthy in the past few decades, but studies in recent years have questioned the validity of dairy & egg products being healthy as well.  With constant influx of undercover investigations appearing on facebook, youtube, and Netflix documentaries, more and more Americans are becoming aware of what really goes on in factory farms and food processing plants.  With heart disease & cancer being the leading causes of death in the United States, people are making the connection between diet and health. Schools Going Vegan is the new trend, and as a vegan and vegetarian trainer I am happy to share this!

A child’s brain doubles in size it’s first year, and reaches 80% of it’s adult volume by age 3 (1).  Learning begins at birth, and Children develops 85% of it’s core structure by age 3 (2). This is a strong indicator that what children are fed at a young age will determine their eating habits later in life. Childhood Type II Diabetes has been on the rise, affecting 208,000 U.S. citizens under age 20 and continues to grow (3).  Millions of Americans have gone vegan, started feeding their kids vegan meals at home, and many others have started making healthier choices by switching from cow’s milk to dairy-free products or cutting red meat from their diet. The demand for vegan products is higher than ever, and now schools going vegan & daycares are creating plant-based menus for kids!

The trend started with the nation’s first vegetarian public elementary school in May 2014 at Public School 244 in Queens, NY (4). Locally, you might be able to find an In-home Daycare now offering a fully plant-based menu. Some private daycares, such as Bright Horizons, will allow parents to pack vegan lunches for their children, although most facilities are nut-free.  In public daycares, your child’s pediatrician most likely needs to provide a note recommending soy milk otherwise will be required to serve cow’s milk. In May of this year, Dr. Barnard of PCRM announced that vegan lunches are coming to all L.A. Unified School District schools! It’s amazing, all of these schools going vegan!

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    Do Physicians Recommend a Plant-Based Diet

    If you’re Concerned about how your diet impacts your health…

    You might be wondering, Do Physicians Recommend a Plant-Based Diet?


    According to Kaiser Permanente, a well-known company that publishes medical journals to physicians, has encouraged medical doctors over the past year to reconsider the types of diets they recommend to their patients.  Specifically, this article discusses proper diet MD should recommend for diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.  They say “Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meat, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods.”  The article discusses the positive effects of eating a plant-based diet to reduce cholesterol, BMI, high blood pressure, and glycated haemoglobin (a protein with red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.) The vegan diets used in this study included nutrient dense plant-based foods, encouraging lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, lentils, peas, seeds, and soybeans, among other beans. It was amazing to read through the results found in a 16-week study, showing that plant-based diets improved ALL of these medical issues better than a combination of medication and exercise. So, do physicians recommend a plant-based diet or are they neglecting to stay up to date on current nutritional research?  Turns out, there are quite a few MDs recommending a plant-based diet including the President of the American College of Cardiology!  Here is a list of other plant-based doctors.

    In this article by The Permanente Journal, I concur with their conclusion that those on a vegan diet need to focus on planning, reading labels, and discipline.  As a Vegan Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach in Phoenix area, I am sometimes overwhelmed (in a good way) with the abundance of new vegan options at restaurants and health food stores.  But then, I become stumped at the majority of restaurants and grocery chains who still offer 98% animal-based products.  I just took my first trip to Winco Foods in Gilbert AZ today, hoping to find yummy vegan grub, but I left with none other than avocados, green tea, oil-free frozen hash browns, gluten-free cupcake mix for Halloween, and Gardein vegan chicken for my husband to try. I read every ingredient on the labels and leave behind anything containing animal products (this definitely takes discipline.) No worries though, we are fortunate to live in Chandler where there are loads of great vegan options at health food stores, and nearby vegan restaurants in Tempe & Phoenix.  As always, we have the world wide web to find a plethora of homemade plant-based recipes to try.

    Written by Kelly Gibson, October 12 2014


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